Leadbeater's Possum confirmed colonies within Central Highlands RFA
The Leadbeater's Possum Advisory Group (LBPAG) established in 2013, was tasked with developing recommendations (actions) to support the recovery of Leadbeater's Possum (LBP) while maintaining a sustainable timber industry (LBPAG Recommendations Report, January 2014).
Bushfires in February 2009 and ongoing habitat decline have led to a reduced population of Leadbeater's Possum. The remaining wild populations is therefore critical to the species' recovery.
Prior to the LBPAG there was no specific protection for known colonies. LBPAG recommended that colonies are protected to aid the capacity for the species to recover. This will be achieved by removing threats that can be directly controlled (e.g. timber harvesting) or implement programs that minimise the risk of unplanned impacts (e.g. bushfire).
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2020) Leadbeater's Possum confirmed colonies within Central Highlands RFA Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action https://uat-metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/082ca70f-f2e9-57ed-b73d-8065fed8e3df |
- Title
- Leadbeater's Possum confirmed colonies within Central Highlands RFA
- Alternate title
- Purpose
- To identify and protect Leadbeater¿s Possum colonies. A colony is defined as any confirmed record of a Leadbeater's Possum, based on the premise that an individual is part of a colony. This dataset consists of LBP colonies across all land tenures that contribute to meeting the two key Actions of the Advisory Group's recommendations: - Action 1.1: Establish timber harvest exclusion zones of a 200 metre radius centred on the detection site to protect each identified colony; and - Action 8.1: Identify known colonies and high quality habitat as critical assets on the natural values database to inform fire operations and risk landscape planning. The location of these confirmed colonies will help establish defined buffers (refer to LBPAG_BUFF_CHRFA) where threatening processes can be controlled or managed. Given one of the actions of the LBPAG is to identify and protect an additional 200 colonies within General Management Zone (GMZ) or Special Management Zone (SMZ) in state forest, this data will be subject to periodic updates. New colonies verified through the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) and through the Land Management Policy process for assessing threatened species from community groups will be published to LBPAG_SITES_CHRFA (subject to certain conditions). Once 200 new colonies that impact upon GMZ or SMZ within state forest are identified, or after two years of surveying, there will be a review of this LBPAG action. This dataset is applicable to the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreement area.
- Status
- Completed
Cited responsible party
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- Topic category
- Biota
- Farming
- Classification
- Unclassified
Acquisition Info
RFQ Number
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
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