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This dataset was developed from the database of Ocean Sciences Institute of Sydney University (AUSEABED) and from surveys conducted by MAFRI.
This dataset is a simplified and generalised version of the NV2005_EXTENT dataset. The parameters of the simplification and generalisation have been set to produce a a product suitable for mapping at scales above 1:2000000
Fire Recovery Photography
The 2008-9 Future Coasts Victorian Bathymetry Project consists of high accuracy LiDAR data covering the entire Victorian coastline, including major inlets, Port Phillip and Westernport. From the raw LiDAR data, a suite of bathymetry products was generated including 2.5m DEM and 1m Contours and classified LiDAR strikes. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an airborne remote sensing technique for rapid collection of bathymetry data. The sensor used for this LiDAR project collected XYZ and Intensity data for first and last return by bouncing a pulse from the aircraft to the sea floor that enables the bathymetry and intensity values to be calculated.
Estimated long-term mean annual rainfall interpolated to a 20m grid cell using the VICMAP_ELEVATION_DTM_20M layer and the ANUCLIM software.
This dataset was developed from the database of Ocean Sciences Institute of Sydney University (AUSEABED) and from surveys conducted by MAFRI.
1:30 000 format Mapgrid of Australia Mapsheet Boundaries as used for the A4 online topographic maps.
2009-10 Kingston-Bayside Photography Project
This layer contains modelled old-growth forest which has been updated with forest harvesting and fire. The base layer used in western part of the state is og100 which was updated by lastburnt100, lastlog25 and boundaries of the 2006 Grampians fire from ECC. The base layer for the eastern part of the state is mog2003 updated by lastlog25 & lastburnt100. The old-growth forests in the base layers were identified to meet the Victorian definition of old-gwoth forest based on a set of modelling criteria, rules and input datasets. The data is not reliable at scales less than 1:100,000. Old-growth polygons have not been confirmed through field checking and the reliability of modelled old-groth stands have not been assessed.
This layer represents the spatial extent, species distrubtion and density of seagrass meadows within the Corner Inlet and Nooramunga. This layer is a result of a baseline survey of seagrass within the Corner Inlet and Nooramunga. Ecological research into the health of seagrass meadows requires the type of detailed information collected in this baseline survey. This information will be used to establish future monitoring programs and it is envisaged that these areas will be re-surveyed every 5 years to detect macro changes.