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GEDIS REFID: 29530; SOURCE MAP: G29530_geology_Ararat_50k_600dpi_colour_master.tif; SUBJECT: CAYLEY, R.A. & TAYLOR, D.H., 2000. Ararat 1:50,000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 10821; SOURCE MAP: G10821_goldfield_Tarnagulla-Newbridge_GF61_10k_georef.tif; SUBJECT: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA., 1979. Sketch map of Tarnagulla and Newbridge Goldfields 1:10,000 geological map. Plan No GF61. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 10904; SOURCE MAP: G10904_parishplan_Bung-Ballark-part-Beremboke_31k_600dpi_colour_master.tif; SUBJECT: DUNN, E.J., 1907. Parishes of Bungeeltap, Ballark and part of Beremboke 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No 29p. Geological Survey of Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 10826; SOURCE MAP: G10826_goldfield_Warrandyte_GF58_15k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA., 1909. Warrandyte Goldfield 1:15,840 (20 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No GF58. Department of Mines, Victoria.
A set of Digital Soil Maps (mean, 5th and 95th percentile prediction values) of available water holding capacity % across Victoria in geotiff format. Grids of key soil properties have been produced for Victoria. These grids, in raster format, provide prediction and confidence interval values for key soil properties at a 90 m grid resolution for six set depths; 0 to 5 cm, 5 to 15 cm, 15 to 30 cm, 30 to 60 cm, 60 to 100 cm and 100 to 200 cm, across Victoria. The grids have been designed to meet the specifications created by GlobalSoilMap ( to develop and deliver detailed soil information in a consistent form. The grids are a spatial interpolation of key soil properties to support modelling and decision making in resource management, agricultural production, land use policy and planning, and in further research such as ecosystem modelling. The methodology used to develop the Soil Grids of Victoria has been based on that refined by the Australian Soil and Landscape Grid. Data and knowledge embedded into existing soil related datasets, e.g. soil profile and land mapping collections, have been key inputs. Whilst the new maps show an immense amount of fine scale detail, and are our best spatially continuous and exhaustive estimates of soil attributes across all of Victoria, they are most appropriately used for assessments of regional to state-wide trends of soil properties and their relationship with their environment and pedogenesis. Care should be taken when using the grids for local assessments and it is recommended that the confidence intervals are included at this scale.
Areas of catchments that drain directly to Victorian estuaries - i.e. not via major freshwater tributaries. This data updates the previous EST_CATCH (Deakin) layer for use in the 2021 Index of Estuarine Condition. Boundaries were determined from a digital elevation model (DEM) and were compared with DELWP boundaries for some estuaries (where DELWP data existed (i.e. in the estuary fluvial catchment layer [WATER_EST_FLUV_VSDL] available on the Victorian Spatial Data Library [January 2020]). On steep land (the Otways, east Gippsland etc) the boundaries align well. On the flatter areas there are some discrepancies between the DEM derived boundary and the DELWP derived boundary. For some catchments the DELWP boundaries are more accurate, but for others the DEM derived boundary is more accurate. Final catchment boundaries were determined by adopting the DEM derived boundary where there was good alignment with the DELWP layer and then adjusting just the contested boundaries to choose the one that appeared most accurate based on the rationale specified for each estuary below.
GEDIS REFID: 10816; SOURCE MAP: G10816_goldfield_Sandhurst_GF10_31k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA., 1873. Sandhurst Goldfield 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No GF10. Department of Mines, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 11150; SOURCE MAP: G11150_quartersheet_8NE_63k_400dpi_colour.tif; SUBJECT: GRAYSON, H.J. & MAHONY, D.J., 1904. Quarter sheet 8 NE (New Series) (Area bounded by the parishes of Mortlake, Wooriwyrite, Koort Koort, Nong, Colongulac and Terang) 1:63,360 (1 mile:1 inch) geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria.