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Areas of catchments that drain directly to Victorian estuaries - i.e. not via major freshwater tributaries. This data updates the previous EST_CATCH (Deakin) layer for use in the 2021 Index of Estuarine Condition. Boundaries were determined from a digital elevation model (DEM) and were compared with DELWP boundaries for some estuaries (where DELWP data existed (i.e. in the estuary fluvial catchment layer [WATER_EST_FLUV_VSDL] available on the Victorian Spatial Data Library [January 2020]). On steep land (the Otways, east Gippsland etc) the boundaries align well. On the flatter areas there are some discrepancies between the DEM derived boundary and the DELWP derived boundary. For some catchments the DELWP boundaries are more accurate, but for others the DEM derived boundary is more accurate. Final catchment boundaries were determined by adopting the DEM derived boundary where there was good alignment with the DELWP layer and then adjusting just the contested boundaries to choose the one that appeared most accurate based on the rationale specified for each estuary below.
This dataset relates to the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) 3D Surface for the Upper Tertiary Quaternary Aquitard. It represents the mapped extent of the aquitard. Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) 3D Surfaces' for detailed information.
Under the Melbourne Strategic Assessment program, liabilities are calculated through the use of the `Environment Mitigation Dataset'. This dataset is made up of two sub-sets, the `Environment Mitigation Polygon Dataset' and the `Environment Mitigation Point Dataset' (this dataset). The `Environment Mitigation Polygon Dataset' provides the habitat areas across the levy area, while the `Environment Mitigation Point Dataset' (this dataset) provides the point data for scattered trees. Liability is based on the hectares of habitat and the price for that habitat type, and the number of scattered tree locations and the price for a scattered tree location. A parcel of land, or other area for which a liability is imposed, may have a liability imposed based on the coverage over that land of one or more of the following: > Native vegetation area > Matted Flax-lily habitat area > Spiny Rice-flower habitat area > Golden Sun Moth habitat area > Growling Grass Frog habitat area > Southern Brown Bandicoot habitat area > Scattered tree location Each of these are represented in the `Environment Mitigation Dataset', with the points for scattered tree locations represented in this sub-dataset.
Generalised version at 1:100:000 scale with the LGA boundaries dissolved of the BUSHFIRE_PRONE_AREA dataset. Polygon features identify designated Bushfire Prone Areas where specific bushfire building construction requirements apply. The municipal areas of Melbourne, Yarra, Maribyrnong, Moonee Valley, Darebin, Boroondara, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Moreland, Port Phillip and Bayside do not have any designated bushfire prone areas. The original boundaries were gazetted on 7 Sep 2011. Changes to the boundaries have been gazetted on 25 Oct 2012, 8 Oct 2013, 30 Dec 2013, 3 June 2014, 22 Oct 2014, 19 August 2015, 21 April 2016, 18 October 2016, 02 June 2017, 06 November 2017, 16 May 2018, 16 Oct 2018 and 4 Apr 2019, 24 March 2020, 7 September 2020, 25 January 2021, 6 July 2021, 18 March 2022, 17 August 2022 Bushfire prone areas (BPA) of Victoria review 20, gazetted 17/08/2022. The BPA map depicts locations where new buildings, alterations and/or additions must meet the `bushfire prone area¿ requirements of the National Construction Code and a minimum Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) 12.5 construction standard (Section 192A Building Act 1993 ¿ Bushfire Prone Areas determination, and construction requirements of the Building Regulations 2018). This data set has been simplified using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0 - Generalize Tool with a 50m tolerance
State wide data showing Upper House boundaries and names. These are the Legislative Council Electoral Boundaries referred to as the Upper House Boundaries . Electoral Boundaries are defined under the requirements of the Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 1982. SUPERSESED dataset by VMADMIN_STATE_COUNCIL_2005
This dataset is derived from the Melway directory and contains the map indices for the 1:60 000 Phillip Island maps.
This dataset is derived from the Melway directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:60 000 Phillip Island maps.
Dataset containing recreational boating facilities including pier/jetty, boat ramp, marina, yacht club/motor boat club, multipurpose/safe haven each providing different services and functions. The features have been ranked by a hierachy delineated from Local, District and Regional and led to the development of the Boating Services Level Index (BSLI). The dataset was created for the recreational boating facilities framework document in Febuary 2014 and the Central Coastal Board (CCB).
Exploration Graticules are used as the main boundaries for Exploration Licences since 1973 - GDA94 - Effective 1st July 2005
This layer contains the relative forest growth stage classes. The classification is based on Eucalypt growth stages identified by Max Jacobs (Growth habits of the eucalypts, 1955) and described in terms of the relative contribution of irregular to regular to regrowth forms to the total crown cover. The data has been collected to SFRI standards for the old growth forest mapping program.