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This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Gippsland Lakes commercial fisheries since April 1998. This layer is also used by the Gippsland Lakes and Gippsland Lakes (Mussel Dive) fisheries.
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Rock Lobster and Giant Crab commercial fisheries since the introduction of quotas in April 2001. The area cell boundaries are based generally on divisions of 10 minutes of longitude and latitude. The southern boundary of the cells is based on the Victorian jurisdiction as described in the OCS agreements (on the border shared by Tasmanian waters).
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Corner Inlet commercial fishery since April 1998.
This layer contains polygon features delineating the Administraitve Regions of the former Victorian Plantations Corporation. Replaces VPCADM250 This dataset was reviewed and updated in April 2022
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Western Port commercial fishery since April 1998. This layer is based on divisions of 5 minutes latitude by 5 minutes longitude.
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Port Phillip Bay commercial fisheries since April 1998. This layer is used by the Port Phillip Bay, Port Phillip Bay (Mussel Bait) and Port Phillip Bay (Purse Seine) fisheries. It is based on divisions of 5 minutes latitude by 5 minutes longitude.
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Bass Strait commercial fisheries since April 1998. This layer is used by the Ocean - General, Ocean Purse Seine, Ocean Scallop and Trawl - Inshore fisheries, and is based on divisions of 10 minutes latitude by 10 minutes longitude.
This layer contains the relative forest growth stage classes. The classification is based on Eucalypt growth stages identified by Max Jacobs (Growth habits of the eucalypts, 1955) and described in terms of the relative contribution of irregular to regular to regrowth forms to the total crown cover. The data has been collected to SFRI standards for the old growth forest mapping program.
Land cover mapping data is an annual component of the Victorian Land Use Information System, the VLUIS. The land cover information has been created specifically for the VLUIS using time series analysis of the MOD13Q1 or MYD13Q1 products produced by NASA using data collected by the MODIS sensor and freely available on the Reverb | ECHO website. Ground data is collected annually across Victoria using a stratified random sampling approach for calibration of the annual seasonal curves and validation of the classification output. The ground data is split into three groups with 50% used to develop classification rules, 25% used to produce interim validation results that feed back into the rule development process with the remaining 25% used to independently validate the final classification. Error matrices for each land cover dataset from 2009 have been produced from this final validation. The TIMESAT GUI is used to create smoothed annual time series for the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and the Red and Near Infrared (NIR) MOD13Q1 or MYD13Q1 bands using the Savitsky-Golay algorithm. A time series of 21 images was used and a suite of 11 seasonal parameters created that each numerically describe features of the annual seasonal curves for each band. In addition the standard deviation of the annual seasonal curve is calculated for each band and used in conjunction with the seasonal parameters. A three-tiered hierarchical classification was developed to assign a dominant land cover class to each pixel. Initially, rules developed using the data mining tool See5 and / or expert knowledge were applied to the seasonal parameters and the annual standard deviation in conjunction with a GIS data-set of water bodies greater than 12.5ha in area to classify each pixel as either Tree, Non-tree or Water based on two data sets from the corporate spatial data library, HY_WATER_AREA_POLY.shp and VM_LITE_HY_WATER_AREA.shp; and are combined to form the water bodies layer. In addition, the primary classes are cross checked using data from preceding and following years to reduce misclassification prior to the secondary classification. A secondary classification developed using rules based on expert knowledge and / or See5 is applied to split the primary class Tree into the secondary classes Native Woody Cover and Treed Production and the primary class Non-tree into the secondary classes Pasture/ Grassland and Crops. Finally, a tertiary classification further divides the secondary class Treed Production into the tertiary classes Hardwood Plantation, Softwood Plantation and evergreen or deciduous Woody Horticulture and the secondary class Crops into the tertiary classes Brassicas, Legumes, Cereals and Non-Woody Horticulture based on rules developed using the data mining tool See5 and modified where appropriate by expert knowledge. Additional information on land cover mapping, including map symbology, can be found on Victorian Resources Online. DOI 10.26279/5b98601d6b27e
A dataset describing the disturbance history and biophysical characteristics of Victoria's publicly managed land estate in preparation for accountable carbon modelling. It was developed using a series of available corporate and other datasets on information such as wildfire and planned burn history, fire severity, harvesting history, vegetation type, soil type, IBRA region and forest extent. In essence it is a disturbance history layer from 1930 to 2009, containing approximately 750,000 unique features.