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RapidEye Satellite Imagery over prescribed burns located in the north west of the state: Murray Sunset & Big Desert.
This dataset comprises all basement boreholes drilled in outcropping bedrock areas which have been used for the control of Free Air (FA) gravity data interpolated to each outcrop location. These boreholes have been used to provide better control for analysing FA gravity data. The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.
This dataset consists of deepest sediment trendlines interpreted from bore-controlled residual gravity bedrock depth for the Goulburn-Murray area. The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.
This dataset is a raster layer of the Sherbrooke Group, Otway Basin in metres below sea level. Due to a number of deficiencies in mapping previously completed by 3D Geo for Southern Rural Water in 2011, a number of processes were applied to correct the Top and Base of the Sherbrooke Group. The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.
Captured as part of the 2012-13 CIP, this 15cm imagery product comprises 3 visible band (RGB) photography over selected areas within East Gippsland Shire.
The Economic Value of Groundwater Use relative to the state median is a density distribution surface of the economic value of groundwater use ($/km2) for Victoria relative to the state median value. Each 1km grid indicates the difference relative to the mean ($/ML). Two major inputs were required to generate this dataset: The groundwater use density dataset that was also created as part of SAFE (i.e. GWU_ALL_DENSITY dataset) The economic analysis that was undertaken by RMCG (2008 - with updates provided in 2011). The economic analysis defined economic unit values (i.e. $/ML) for specific end use types of groundwater (i.e. urban, industrial/commercial, dairy, stock and domestic and irrigation) across Victoria This dataset includes the economic value for both licensed entitlement bores and stock and domestic bore use.
From the raw LiDAR data, classified LiDAR strikes were created with an accuracy of 80-90% in buildings and vegetation. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an airborne remote sensing technique for rapid collection of terrain data. The sensor used for this LiDAR project collected XYZ and Intensity data for first and last return by bouncing a pulse from the aircraft to the surface that enables the height and intensity values to be calculated. Project Products: DEM, Contours, LiDAR Strikes
This raster dataset consists of annual Evapotranspiration (ET) for the period 2007 to 2008. The data has been derived using the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). SEBAL is a computer application developed by WaterWatch which uses complex radiation and energy balace algortithms to generate evapotranspiration or actual water use from satellite imagery. 30m resolution data was produced from Landsat and MODIS satellite imagery and 250m resolution data produced from MODIS only. In addition, 250m resolution land-use data was used from the Bureau of Rural Sciences.
Modelled long term (1958-2005) average diffuse recharge (in mm) for June as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river / stream / channel / reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: https://ensym.dse.vic.gov.au/home/aboutensym Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.
This dataset comprises all basement boreholes which have reached bedrock by passing through sedimentary sequences used for bore control of Free Air (FA) gravity data. These boreholes have been used to give better control for interpolating to FA gravity data. The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.