Type of resources
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Train Track Centreline depicts a spatial object (polyline) representing the rail track centre line (the centre of the two rails). Note the data includes all VicTrack rail assets, including assets which are not currently operating. The data includes some tracks which have not been in service for some time. The data also does not include privately owned rail tracks into freight facilities and ports. The data is attributed with the facility name, rail gauge and electrification status.
Energy Saver Incentive Statistics for Postcodes. The data was primarily supplied by DPCD (Henry Otley) in order to connect with PARISH_POLYGON EC_PC_ACC_LUT from energy_claim_postcode_acc - aggregate claim figures for each postcode EC_PC_DETAILS_LUT from energy_claim_postcode_details - claim information since 2009 EC_PC_YRRNG_LUT from energy_claim_postcode_yr_ranges - for display categories
This dataset describes public land management for the State of Victoria, where Public Land is defined as land held by/vested in/or owned by DELWP and other government departments, public authorities, Commonwealth government and municipalities. Refer to VEAC Act 2001 for more details. Public land includes state forests, parks and reserved and unreserved Crown land, including estuarine, coastal and marine areas to the 3 nautical mile limit (5.5 km) from the high watermark. This layer is represented at a scale of 1:25 000 and describes the primary management, land manager and the VEAC recommendations. PLM25 is a derived layer, using VMPROP.PARCEL_CROWN_APPROVED as the base layer. It relies on tabular and spatial sources to get the land description. PORTAL, PRIMS are the tabular sources of information. PARKRES, VEACRECS25 and CL_TENURE are the spatial sources. Additional layers were also created to describe areas of state forests, plantations, water frontages and commonwealth land. PLM25 has replaced the old PLM100 datasets. Any errors can be reported to plm25.info@delwp.vic.gov.au
Train Corridor Centreline depicts a spatial object (polyline) representing the centre of a series of tracks ie multiple parallel tracks are represented as a single line. A segment name is attributed to the centreline.
This layer depicts a spatial object (polyline) representing SkyBus routes. Each polylines represents a unique route variation. Each coach route has attributes that describe route, trip headsign (direction), route length, first/last stop, number of stops and operator name. The data has been generated from the PTV GTFS data with extra attributes from PTV's TransNet database. This dataset supersedes "PTV_BUS_ROUTE_METRO" (which included SkyBus routes). This dataset was first loaded into the VSDL in March 2018 and will be updated approximately quarterly.
This layer depicts spatial objects (points) representing Regional Train Stations (V/Line). Each station has attributes that describe StopID, StopName (station), Lat/Long, Ticket Zone and Routes Using Stop. The data has been generated from the PTV GTFS data with extra attributes from PTV's TransNet database. This dataset supersedes "PTV_TRAIN_STATION" (which included both metro and regional stations). This dataset was first loaded into the VSDL in March 2018 and will be updated approximately quarterly.
This package of data contains the 6 PTV spatial layers. See each individual metadata records for further details. METRO_BUS_ROUTE (removed) METRO_BUS_STOP (removed) METRO_TRAIN_STATION (removed) METRO_TRAM_ROUTE (removed) METRO_TRAM_STOP (removed) REGIONAL_BUS_ROUTE (removed) REGIONAL_BUS_STOP (removed) REGIONAL_COACH_ROUTE (removed) REGIONAL_COACH_STOP (removed) REGIONAL_TRAIN_STATION (removed) SKYBUS_ROUTE (removed) SKYBUS_STOP (removed) PTV TRAIN CARPARK PTV TRAIN CORRIDOR CENTRELINE PTV TRAIN STATION BIKE STORAGE PTV TRAIN STATION PLATFORM PTV TRAIN TRACK CENTRELINE PTV TRAM TRACK CENTRELINE Excludes the restricted school bus routes.
Train Car Park depicts a spatial object (polygon) representing the outline of train car parks at Metropolitan Railway Stations. Each train car park polygon has attributes that describe the Station name and commuter capacity.
Train Station Platform depicts a spatial object (polygon) which represents the outline of a train platform. The Station Name and Platform number is attributed to the polygon.
This layer depicts spatial objects (points) representing Metro Train Stations. Each station has attributes that describe StopID, StopName (station), Lat/Long, Ticket Zone and Routes Using Stop. The data has been generated from the PTV GTFS data with extra attributes from PTV's TransNet database. This dataset supersedes "PTV_TRAIN_STATION" (which included both metro and regional stations). This dataset was first loaded into the VSDL in March 2018 and will be updated approximately quarterly.