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  • Plantation provides a state wide view of hard wood and softwood plantations across Victoria. The majority of the information has been sourced under a cooperative agreement with DELWP the CFA and the major plantation owners/managers. Under this agreement this information will be refreshed yearly. Small plantation estates which have not been included will be progressively added over time on an ad hoc basis.

  • The layer is really a brief summary of all sites. It will provide information on whether the site is GSIGFEAT, MINSITE, STRUC, PETPHYS, OUTCROP, ROCKS, GEOPHYS or BORES. It will not give any details about the information for these other layers.

  • Sites where earth resources have been demonstrated. This includes metallics, industrial minerals and construction materials, but excludes oil, gas and groundwater resources which are recorded in OILGAS and BORES datasets. OILGAS will be available for external users within Petroleum Mapshare. It is thought that groundwater resources will be available to external users within a CLPR (Catchment and Land Protection) Mapshare View. The data is derived from Minerals and Petroleums RDBMS, which is known as VICMINE. Information on each site has been compiled mostly from historical literature, with only selected major sites visited in the field. NOTES CONCERNING GEOVIC "Mines and Mineral Occurrence" DISPLAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The type of mine/mineral occurrence displayed varies with the scale of the map view. Major and Intermediate size mines are displayed at all scales. Minor and Unknown size Mines are displayed at scales ranging from 1:1 to 1:500,000 MAJOR is for mine_size greater than= 85000000 MINOR is for mine_size less than 8500000 INTERMEDIATE is for mine_size between the two UNKNOWN is when the mine_size is unknown MINE_SIZE (better name would be MINE_VALUE) is a calculated dollar amount based on the total production and resource for each commodity multiplied by the commodity price (NOTE: these commodity prices have not been updated in some time eg: as of 13/1/2013 the gold price per ounce used was $526.70 - April 1985 prices) NOTES CONCERNING GEOVIC "Deposit Styles" DISPLAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of deposit style layers exist in GeoVic. The layers are based on particular values of the dep_style attribute - within this dataset. The dep_style attribute contains the results of classifying the mineral deposits of Victoria east of approximately 142°30' and west of 145°30', but excluding the Willaura (7422) 1:100 000 map sheet area. The classification is described in detail in Moore, D.H., 2007. "Classifying gold deposits in central and western Victoria, Australia. GeoScience Victoria Gold Undercover Report". GENERAL NOTES CONCERNING GEOVIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refer to Mineral Regions 1M (MINERAL) for extent of brown and black coal fields, Heavy Mineral Sands 1M (MINSAND1M) for extent of strandline mineral sand deposits, and Heavy Minerals Sands WIM 1M (MINSAND1M) for extent of WIM style mineral sand deposits.

  • Petroleum permit boundaries including exploration permits, retention leases and production licences under the following Acts: Offshore 3 Nautical Mile Limit waters - Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas storage Act 2006 Onshore - Petroleum Act 2005 as of June 2007, it also includes Special Access Authorities Special Prospecting Authorities Access Authorities

  • Property Cadastral Area Boundary is a line layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing Victoria's properties

  • Mining Inspectorate Boundaries and Land Exempted from Exploration or Mining Licences under the MRSDA (not the only land). Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Contains Low Impact Exploration Earth Resources within DSDBI datasets

  • Polygons and lines of geophysical interpretations. Specifically at 1:1,000,000, 1:500,000, 1:250,000 & 1:100,000 scales. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Property Base Approved a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..

  • Geological Fault Rock - Polygons