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See Vicmap Property product for details.
Property Base Proposed a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..
This layer is part of Vicmap Transport and is and extensive digital road network - line features delineating state wide road network. Includes; Bridges, Connectors, Footbridge, Ferry Route, Foot Tracks, Roads, Highways, Roundabouts & Tunnels. Attribution for names, alias, class, direction, locality, unique feature identification, suburb/locality. Includes alternate names. Formerly known as Road Network 1:25,000 (Full View) - Vicmap Transport (ROAD_VF)
Contains details only on current titles. The idea is to save the original area and when the title finally expires, transfer it to the expired layers eg ELHST
TR_ROAD_REGISTER forms the basis of the road register for Victoria. Road segements (TR_ROAD) are grouped by road name, road type, road suffix and locality using the TR_ROAD_LOCALITY_SECTION and TR_ROAD_LOCALITY tables to create a single line feature for each unique combination of values. This dataset compliments TR_ROAD. Where a road segement has multiple names, TR_ROAD_REGISTER will have multiple overlappling road lines while TR_ROAD will have one road with multiple names. TR_ROAD_REGISTER facilitates road searching and efficent road name lablelling. In addition the dataset has an atttribute MIN_CLASS_CODE which is the the minimum CLASS_CODE for all TR_ROAD road lines that have the unique cominbination of identifer vaules. For example, if the road segments associated with the unique road identifer have CLASS_CODES of 0 (Freeway), 1 (Highway) and 2 (Arterial), the MIN_CLASS_CODE of that road will be 0 (Freeway). This value faciliates feature filtering at different scales and symbolisation.
Expired Mining and Extractive Licences
Property Base Approved a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..
See the product metadata record VICMAP_ADDRESS (Vicmap Address) ANZVI0803002578 To access the data:- Vicmap Address is Victoria's authoritative geocoded database of property address points.
Cadastral Point is a point layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing Victoria's land parcels, properties and road casements. It is used extensively in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by the public and private sectors. This point layer should be used in conjuction with the other layers and aspatial tables that make up Vicmap Property. It provides information about horizontal positional uncertainty, faciliates the identifcation of objects built on survey adjusted data and provides a spatial linkage to Vicmap Survey
This layer is part of Vicmap Transport.