Type of resources
Provided by
Representation type
Update frequencies
Polygons delineating Forest Management Blocks. The layer also contains aggregations of forest management blocks representing other administrative boundaries such as Forest Districts, Work Centres, Forest Management Areas (FMAs), VicForests Adiminstrative areas and an approximation to RFAs based on blocks. This is implemented via the use of Arc/Info region attribute tables.
This dataset series contains line, point & polygon features delineating hydrology. It is a combination of a number of data sets that are a part of Vicmap Hydro. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. Features include (but are not limited to); rivers, lakes, dams, reservoirs, marinas, and desalination plants. Watercourse Network 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATERCOURSE); Water Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_POINT); Water Area (polygon) 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_AREA_POLYGON): Water Area Fuzzy (polygon) - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_AREA_FUZZY): Water Structure Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_STRUCT_POINT); Water Structure Line 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_STRUCT_LINE); Water Structure Area (polygon) 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_STRUCT_AREA_POLYGON); Navigation Line 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_NAVIGATION_LINE); Navigation Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_NAVIGATION_POINT);
This package includes PPTN Line and PPTN Points datasets. The PPTN reflects the network of current and committed high-quality public transport services, designed to support integrated transport and land use planning, by encouraging more diverse and dense development near high quality public transport to help support public transport usage. The PPTN is an incorporated document under Clause 81.01 in the Victorian Planning Provisions An interim PPTN will be incorporated into the Planning Scheme in early 2017. A revised PPTN will be incorporated into the planning scheme by December 2017 in consultation with local government and the community.
VMREFTAB is the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products. It is to be used in conjunction with the Vicmap suite of products.
Mining Inspectorate Boundaries and Land Exempted from Exploration or Mining Licences under the MRSDA (not the only land). Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI
Contains Low Impact Exploration Earth Resources within DSDBI datasets
Polygons and lines of geophysical interpretations. Specifically at 1:1,000,000, 1:500,000, 1:250,000 & 1:100,000 scales. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI
Statewide data series depicting major features, public land, vegetation, hydrology, transport and administrative data. Vicmap Lite datasets are suited for use between scales of 1: 250,000 and 1 : 5 million. The level of attribute information, the number of features and the number of vertices has been simplified to suit the 1: 250,000 - 1 : 5 million scale range. The concept of a Scale Use Code has been introduced to help control the level of detail displayed. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. (ESPECIALLY THE DATE THEY WERE LASTED UPDATED) VMLITE_BUILT_UP_AREA (CURRENT AS OF MAY 2017) VMLITE_FOREST_SU2 (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_FOREST_SU3 (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_FOREST_SU5 (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_GEO_AREA_LABEL (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_GEO_POINT_LABEL (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_HILLSHADE (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_HY_WATER_AREA (CURRENT AS OF NOVEMBER 2015) VMLITE_HY_WATERCOURSE (CURRENT AS OF NOVEMBER 2015) VMLITE_LGA (CURRENT AS OF JUNE 2021) VMLITE_LOCALITY_POLYGON (CURRENT AS OF JUNE 2021) VMLITE_LOCALITY (CURRENT AS OF NOVEMBER 2012) VMLITE_POSTCODE_POLYGON (CURRENT AS OF JULY 2020) VMLITE_PUBLIC_LAND_SU2 (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_PUBLIC_LAND_SU5 (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_RELIEF (CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 2008) VMLITE_TR_AIRPORT (CURRENT AS OF SEPTEMBER 2021) VMLITE_TR_RAIL (CURRENT AS OF OCTOBER 2021) VMLITE_TR_RAIL_STATION (CURRENT AS OF OCTOBER 2021) VMLITE_TR_ROAD (CURRENT AS OF DECEMBER 2015) VMLITE_VICGOV_REGION (CURRENT AS OF NOVEMBER 2015) VMLITE_VICTORIA_LINE_SU2 (CURRENT AS OF MAY 2014) VMLITE_VICTORIA_LINE_SU5 (CURRENT AS OF MAY 2014) VMLITE_VICTORIA_POLYGON_SU2 (CURRENT AS OF MAY 2014) VMLITE_VICTORIA_POLYGON_SU5 (CURRENT AS OF MAY 2014)
Vicmap Features of Interest Product contains a series of datasets. This dataset series contains a range of features of interest represented by points, lines and/or polygons within Victoria. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. VMFEAT_FOI_INDEX_CENTROID VMFEAT_FOI_INDEX_EXTENT VMFEAT_FOI_LINE VMFEAT_FOI_POINT VMFEAT_FOI_POLYGON VMFEAT_LOCALITY_POINT Register of Geographic Names - Vicmap Features of Interest (GNR); Built Up area - Vicmap Features of Interest (PL_PLACE_AREA_POLYGON); Building Point (VMFEAT_BUILDING_POINT); Building Poly (VMFEAT_BUILDING_POLY):
Polygons and lines of geological interpretations. Specifically at 1:4,000,000, 1:1,000,000, 1:250,000 & 1:100,000 scales. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI