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Exploration Graticules are used as the main boundaries for Exploration Licences since 1973 - GDA94 - Effective 1st July 2005
2019 Nunnett Timbarra Fire
The 2017-19 River condition audit project has been undertaken to supplement and compare mapping undertaken in DELWPs 2009-10 Index of Stream Condition (ISC) assessment. The Department of Environment, Land, Water, Planning (DELWP) has developed a methodology to assess aspects of river condition using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. This project collects LiDAR and imagery for a subset of rivers mapped in the original 2009-10 ISC survey. In addition to supporting the generation of physical form and ripartian vegetation metrics, the data has been used to identify change over time. LiDAR and imagery was captured for 70 rivers across nine CMAs over two seasons (2017-18 and 2018-19). North Central CMA rivers were captured in the first season, so the data is from 2017-18. Remote sensing data collected includes LiDAR data at four points per m² and 12.5cm aerial photography. These were used to derive a range of standard and non-standard physical form and riparian vegetation raster datasets. The project was managed on a CMA by CMA basis with all source and derived datasets being organised this way.
Captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP, this project represents 10cm relaxed accuracy photography over selected outer fringe areas of Melbourne for the purposes of Water Authority, State Government and Local Government land management.
Year 3 of a 3 year contract to capture Bendigo and a selection of townships
Captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP, this relaxed accuracy photography project covers Wellington Shire Council with 3 band (visible) imagery which is useful for broad change over time applications as well as a general backdrop for mapping purposes.
This layer represents the Catchment Management Authority boundaries (derived from CALP100). It is indicative and should not be used for operational decisions about funding. The Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) were established on 1 July 1997 with the aim of creating a whole of catchment approach to natural resource management in the state. The new CMAs combined the roles of the former, River Management Boards and Catchment and Land Protection Boards, and community based advisory groups such as salinity plan implementation groups and water quality working groups. Port Phillip has also recently become a CMA. 2014 correction on the West Gippsland and East Gippsland CMA border around the Gippsland Lakes. It is accurate to +/- 100 metres for 80% of the time.
This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 10-20 Contours & Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains point features delineating morphology and related features. Includes; Sinkholes & Caves.
The Bayside project area was captured by Photomapping Services using our Optech `ALTM Galaxy¿ system (Airborne Laser Scanning) on the 26th of February 2018. The data was captured for the purposes of flood modelling, urban planning, urban growth monitoring, asset management and building footprint and height metrics.